鼻腔止血材料camp ppt课件资料讲解.pptxNasal and sinus dressings 鼻腔及鼻窦止血材料 For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States Internal training material Anatomy解剖 For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States Nasal and sinus dressings Anatomy - nose image: P/N 30547B Opening to each nostril is the nares. 鼻孔 The septum is the bone and cartilage structure that divides the nose into two chambers. 鼻中隔 Lateral wall prised of three conchas or turbinates. Inferior, middle and superior turbinate. 上、中、下鼻甲 12/5/2018 5 Nares For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States. P/N 46510 Rev. A Anatomy – Kiesselbach’s plexus克氏血管丛 image: P/N EX00311 12/5/2018 6 Kiesselbach’s plexus is a region in the antero-inferior part of the nasal septum 鼻中隔前下黎氏区克氏血管丛 Most anterior nosebleeds originate from this area. 前鼻腔的出血多发源于此 For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States. P/N 46510 Rev. A Anatomy – sinuses 12/5/2018 7 Sinuses are bony, air-filled spaces within the nasal cavity. The ethmoidal sinus is the central bony labyrinth that all other sinuses drain into. The ostium is the natural opening to each sinus. 窦口 Access to the sinuses is made through the space lateral to the middle turbinate. image: For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States. P/N 46510 Rev. A 蝶窦筛窦上颌窦额窦 Pathology For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States Nasal and sinus dressings Pathology 12/5/2018 9 Nasal and sinus dressings are among others used after: 止血材料用于 Nasal surgery 鼻腔手术 Sinus surgery 鼻窦手术 Epistaxis 鼻衄 主要靠“压迫”止血 For internal use only. Not for distribution in the United States. P/N 46510 Rev. A Nasal surgery 12/5/2018 10 Septoplasty/rhinoplasty 鼻中隔成形术/鼻成形术 Straighten the septum in order to Restore proper Cosmetic purposes. 美容 Inferior or middle turbinate reduction下/中鼻甲减容 For better airflow. Nasal polyp removal 鼻息肉切除 Polyps are very vascular and bleeding can be difficult to con