Learning es Be able to use mind maps as a framework to assist the clarity and focus of your topic Understand the importance of writing a lot about a little, not vice versa Write in such a way that reflects what you have learnt about your topic and research design for an academic audience Feel confident in defining and refining your research proposal! Mind Maps consist of… Non-linear mapping of thoughts Central idea located and clearly defined Key words Associations Clustering Colour coding in themes or importance Structure allows addition of new information Use of Mind Maps Assist creativity – brainstorming Note taking Clarifying ideas Planning anising ideas Identifying connections between ideas Generating Research Ideas Rational Emotive A good research problem… Sets the boundaries clearly States the problem, separates any sub-problems Defines any key terms Research questions should solve the research problem May be written as a hypothesis (or hypotheses) to be tested Brainstorming Process Flexible group size Moderator to ensure equal participation Note taker to write down ALL suggestions NON JUDGEMENTAL at this stage Evaluate and prioritise later Choosing and Formulating a research topic You can use a variety of techniques to refine research ideas ideas can then be worked up or narrowed down you must then develop some clear research questions, themes or objectives linked to the relevant academic literature you propose to review. Your choice of topic should be guided by the need to answer the following questions : #1 what am I trying to cover . what does it include or not include? #2 why is this subject important? #3 how extensive is the literature on this subject? #4 how far back does the literature on this subject go? # 5 what will I have to say about its validity, reliability and the extent to which it can be generalised? The research proposal: The content of the research proposal should tell the reader what the research is intended to do, w