采用频率聚焦的声源 DOA 估计方法研究
刘昕彤, 吴长奇, 敖金莲
( 燕山大学信息科学与工程学院, 河北秦皇岛 066004)
要: 聚焦技术就是把宽带信号聚焦到某一个确定的频率上近似成窄带信号。麦克风阵列接收的声音信号相
对频率范围更大, 达到 3~ 4 个数量级, 如何选择聚焦频率就成为估计算法的关键问题。为了应对多重信号分类
( Multiple Signal Characteristic, MUSIC) 算法对阵元间隔的要求, 防止出现多值模糊。根据宽带聚焦算法的思想, 从聚焦后
的窄带信号入手, 分析了阵元间隔对 MUSIC 算法的影响。验证了一种按阵元实际间距选择聚焦频率的方法, 通过仿真
关键词: 声源 DOA 估计;MUSIC 算法; 聚焦技术; 聚焦频率选择
中图分类号: TN911. 7
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1003- 3114( 2010) 04- 21- 3
Research on Acoustic Source Direction
arrival ( DOA)
Estimation Using Frequency Focusing Technique
tong, WU Chang
qi, AO Jin
( Institute of Information Science and T echnology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao Hebei 066004, China)
Abstract: Frequency focusing is the technique that focuses wideband signals to a certain frequency, making them approximate to
narrowband signals. The relative frequency range of sound signal is wider, from 3 to 4 orders actually. Then how to choose the focusing frequency
has e the point of estimation algorithm. To meet the requirement of MUSIC ( Multiple Signal Characteristic) algorithm for array element
spacing and prevent multi
value fuzziness, the paper, according to the thought of wideband focusing theory, analyzes the effect of array element
spacing on MUSIC algorithm with respect to the narrowband signals obtained by focusing and validates a method of focusing frequency sele
采用频率聚焦的声源DOA 估计方法研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.