左室造影与超声心动图对心尖肥厚型心肌病的诊断比较 徐彧赵艳芳 摘要:目的:对比左室造影与超声心动图对心尖肥厚型心肌病的诊断价值。方法:对12例心尖肥厚型心肌病患者(男10例,女2例)进行左室造影、超声心动图、心电图及冠状动脉造影等检查。结果:12例患者左室造影均显示左室腔呈“黑桃A”型(ace of spades),而心脏超声检查仅1例明确提示心尖部心肌肥厚;10例患者体表心电图提示左胸导联倒置T波。结论:心脏超声诊断心尖肥厚型心肌病敏感性低;特征性心电图表现(左胸导联巨大倒置T波)对于心尖肥厚型心肌病诊断有提示意义;对于临床怀疑心尖肥厚型心肌病的患者在冠脉造影排除冠心病后可行左室造影以确诊。 关键词:左室造影;超声心动图;心尖肥厚;心肌病 Comparing left ventriculogram with echocardiogram on diagnosis of apical hypertorophic cardiomyopathy Abstract: Objective:pare the value of left ventriculogram and echocardiogram on diagnosis of apical hypertorophic cardiomyopathy(AHCM). Methods:12 patients (male 2) with AHCM pared with left ventriculogram、echocardiogram、ECG and coronary angiography. Results:The left ventriculogram revealed a spade deformity(ace of spades)in all the patients, otherwise one patient had a image of apical hypertorophic by echocardiogram. The characteristic of the ECG in 10 patients was giant negative T wave. Conclusion: Echocardiogram has less sensitivity in diagnosing AHCM. The negative T wave in ECG is helpful to diagnose AHCM. In the patients suspected AHCM, left ventriculogram could make a definite diagnosis removing coronary heart disease by coronary angiography. Key Words: left ventriculogram; echocardiogram; apical hypertorophic; cardiomyopathy 心尖肥厚型心肌病(Apical hypertorophic cardiomyopathy, AHCM)是肥厚型心肌病(hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,HCM)中的一种特殊类型,以左心室乳头肌水平以下的