泮托拉唑钠冻干粉剂注射剂对上消化道出血的疗效观察 doi:.1007- 摘要目的:观察泮托拉唑钠冻干粉剂注射剂治疗上消化道出血的临床效果。方法:选取上消化道出血患者100例,按照知情自愿原则,将100例患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组50例。两组在入院后均给予输血、补液常规治疗,并配合积极有效的临床护理干预措施。观察组在此基础上,应用泮托拉唑钠冻干粉剂注射剂进行治疗,对照组应用奥美拉唑进行治疗。结果:%,%,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<)。结论:泮托拉唑治疗上消化道出血能够显著提高患者的临床治疗总有效率,且不良反应较小,具有较高的安全性。 关键词泮托拉唑钠冻干粉剂注射剂上消化道出血临床效果 Observation of the clinical effect of pantoprazole sodium freeze dried powder injection in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding Zhi Yanhong Guizhou General Hospital of Shuicheng Mining Group,(Liupanshui City,Guizhou) 553001 Abstract Objective:To observe the clinical effect of pantoprazole sodium freeze dried powder injection in the treatment of upper gastrointestina l :100 cases with hemorrhage of upper digestive tract were selected accordance with the principle of were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group with 50 cases in two groups were given conventional treatment of blood transfusion,fluid infusion after admission,bined with effective clinical nursing intervention observation group were treated with pantoprazole sodium freeze dried powder injection on the basis of conventional control group were treated with :The total efficiency of clinical treatment of the observation group wa