中国组织工程研究与临床康复第 15 卷第 50 期 2011–12–10 出版 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research December 10, 2011 ,
伴有脊髓损伤先天性脊柱侧凸实验模型的稳定性评估☆○ 1 2 1 1 1 1 陆明, ○,马华松,任冬云,郑蕊,张敬 Stability of a geneogenous scoliosis experimental model panied with spinal cord injury 1 2 1 1 1 1 Lu Ming , V Ya Fishchenko , Ma Hua-song , Ren Dong-yun , Zheng Rui , Zhang Jing Abstract 1 BACKGROUND: Establishment of a stable and effetive experimental animal model with congenital scoliosis is a precondition to Department of lucubrate the congenital scoliosis with spinal cord injury and an efficient path to analyze the mechanism of spinal cord injury. Orthopedics, the 306 OBJECTIVE: To assess the stability of congenital scoliosis model panied plex spinal cord injury in rats. Hospital of Chinese METHODS: PLA, Beijing A number of 15 model rats with no obvious spinal cord symptoms were put into special glass tubes with a diameter of 100101, China; 2 6 centimeters. The rats were kept in upright position in the tubes for 6 to 10 days to establish the congenital scoliosis model Orthopedic Trauma panied plex spinal cord injury. Institute, Ukraine RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: A total of 13 rats showed bilateral hind limb paralysis, adiaphoria of hind limbs and tail and no Academy of Medical Sciences, Kiev response to acupuncture and urination d