医学研究生学报 2010年 7月第 23卷第 7期 JM ed Postgra, V 23, N o. 7, Ju ly, 2010
ICU 护士分级管理的实践与效果
叶向红, 彭南海, 李维勤, 刘
探讨 ICU 护士分级管理在提高危重患者护理质量中的作用, 重新界定各级护士的工作内容。将 ICU 护
士进行分级管理, 由高层级护士担任组长、副组长, 并制订岗位工作职责, 给予相应的工作待遇; 重新界定各级护士的工
作内容。分级管理使 ICU 护士较好地发挥了护理骨干的作用, 应对军队医院护士普遍年轻的状况, 满足了患者的需求,
在提高专科护理水平的同时, 保证了护理质量。对 ICU 护士进行分级管理, 有利于培养和保留聘用制护理骨干, 有益于
[ 关键词]
ICU; 护士; 分级管理; 护理质量
[ 中图分类号]
R 192. 6
[ 文献标志码]
8199( 2010) 07
The practice and effect of nursing grading managem ent in ICU
YE X iang
hong1, PENG Nan
hai1, LIW ei
qin1, LIU Yun2
( 1. PLA R esearch Institu te of G eneral Surgery; 2. D epartm ent of N ursing, N anjing G eneralH osp ital of Nanjing M ili
m and, PLA, Nanjing 210002, J iangsu, China )
[Ab stract ]
T o evalua te the effects of nursing g rad ing manag em ent model for improv ing nursing qua lity for critica lly ill patien ts,
and d istribute the jobs for each g rade c learer. A ll nurses in the ICU we re classified into different g roups, then m ade sen io r prim ary nur
ses be the group leaders or v ice
leaders. The responsib ilities of each grade w ere defined in deta il and pay accord ing to it. M ake the jobs
o f pro fessiona l airw ay care nurses, sen io r prim a ry nurse, junior prim ary nurse and nurse assistant clearer. A s most of the nurses in the
m ilitary hospita ls are youn
ICU 护士分级管理的实践与效果[J] 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.