LHT-200/17 型拉线机 CAD
本设计中的LHT 200/17型单头拉线机用于拉制铜线材。它是针对以往拉线机效率低,精度差,能耗高等缺点,借鉴上海电工机械厂以及意大利马可波罗公司等国外厂家的同类产品,结合目前电工机械的现状终合而定的。采用滑动式塔轮结构的鼓轮,其尺寸小,传动系统简单,拉线速度由20m/s提高到30m/s,减少了辅助时间,增加的收放线容量,线材质量的提高,大大减轻了劳动强度,提高了生产率,采用移动模座,延长了使用寿命。
LHT-200/17 Wire-drawing Machines CAD
Wire-drawing machines are important equipments which are used to make circle single wire in cable work. The machine can increase the quality of electro physics wire manufactured product, reduce the safety in production.
In this design plan, the LHT-200/17 type single wire-drawing machine is made for drawing copper core. In made this design plan in the light of the weakness before high consumed power, low ability and accuracy-drawing lessons from the homogonous structures of Shanghai electrician machinery factory, Mc pany in Italy and others made in different countries, combining the present condition in electrician and machine and make to transfer machinery in our country. In order to reduce the dimension and make to transfer machines simple. The machines adopt sliding and core culler drum. Drawing speed of this machine has been improved from 20 meters per second to 30 meters per second. Secondary time is cut down. Volume in collecting and releasing is rising, strength of labor is lighter, the productivity is high and the quality of wire is higher and the quality of wire is heightened. I adopt moving pattern seats so that the life of the machine can be longer.
This kind of machine can posing to continuous production line with others arrange-mends, realizing the section, generalization and standardization.
Keywords wire-drawing machines, single wire-drawing machine,core culler drum
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章绪论 1
第2章拉线机总体方案设计 2
总体方案应满足的基本要求 2
拉线机的总联系尺寸 2
主要技术参数的确定 4
机械机电类毕业论文(毕业设计)-lht-20017型拉线机cad设计 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.