摘要 随着电子技术的不断发展,电子产品向体积越来越小、设计时间越来越短、集成度越来越精密、产品周期越来越短、成本越来越低、功能越来越强大等方向发展。NiosⅡ嵌入式系统是一种面向用户的、可以灵活定制的通用RISC(精简指令集架构)嵌入式CPU。使用NiosⅡ处理器的用户可以根据需要调嵌入式系统的特性、性能以及成本,快速使得产品推向市场,扩展产品的生命周期,并且避免处理器的更新换代。本设计结合QuatrtusⅡ、SOPC Builder、NiosⅡIDE和ModelSim等多种技术实现基于NiosⅡ的数字电路频率测量电路系统的设计。本设计包含三部分电路设计:计数器电路、计数器控制电路、NiosⅡ软核处理器系统电路,其核心和难点是NiosⅡ软核处理器系统的硬件电路设计、NiosⅡIDE软件开发及系统集成。本设计完成了单元电路的设计、系统集成、NiosⅡ软核处理器系统的软硬件开发及用ModelSim仿真波形。 关键词 SOPC Builder NiosⅡIDE ModelSim NiosⅡ频率测量 Abstract With the continuous development of electronic technology, electronic products of size is getting smaller and smaller, shorter and shorter design time, more and more sophisticated integration, product life cycle is ing shorter and shorter, more and more low-cost, more and more powerful featu res, and so on. The use of NiosⅡ processor users can base on their need to transfer the characteristics of embedded systems, performance and cost of making products to market quickly, and expand the product's life cycle and to avoid the replacement of the processor. NiosⅡembe