第 39卷第 2期涂料工业 Vol. 39 No. 2
2009年 2月 PA IN T & COATINGS INDUSTRY Feb. 2009
MD I型水性聚氨酯乳液的合成及性能研究
王翠,吴佑实,吴莉莉(山东大学材料科学与工程学院,济南 250061)
备了水性聚氨酯的透明乳液。通过 FT - IR、TEM、拉力机等测试手段对所制水性聚氨酯进行了形貌观察、力学及耐水
性测试。结果表明,当 n ( — NCO) ∶n ( — OH)比值为 118~119,DMPA含量在 615% ~7% ,中和度在 100% ~120%时可
制得性能稳定的水性聚氨酯乳液,若在乳化阶段用乙二胺进行扩链,则胶膜的吸水率会进一步降低至 4%。
关键词:MD I;水性聚氨酯;吸水率;断裂伸长率
中图分类号: TQ 63014 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253 - 4312 ( 2009) 02 - 0004 - 05
Study on Syn thesis and Proper t ies of
M D I Ba sed Aqueous Polyurethan e D isper sion
W ang Cui, W u Youshi, W u Lili
(School of M a teria ls Science a nd Engineering, Shandong U niversity, J inan 250061, China )
Ab stra ct: The aqueouspolyurethane p repolyme rwas prepared through step - growth polymerization of di2
phenylme thane diisocyanate w ith polyester glycol and dime thylol propionic acid, which wa s then neutra lized
by triethylam ine to form the stable transparent aqueous polyurethane dispersion. The morphology of the poly2
urethane dispe rsionwasmeasured by TEM and the mechanical propertie s and wa ter re sistance of the PU film s
were a lso tested as we ll. F rom the results, it can be concluded that when n ( — NCO ) / n ( — OH) was 118~
119 and DMPA contentwas 615% ~7% , the neutraliza tion degree wa s 100% ~120% , the p roperties of the
dispersion and mechanica l properti
MDI型水性聚氨酯乳液的合成及性能研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.