Designing and Modeling a Torque and Speed Control Transmission (TSCT) 1 Background The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) was formed between the Federal Government, Ford pany, General Motors Corporation, and Chrysler Corporation. The goal of this partnership was to allow the major . automotive manufactures to collaborate with each other and produce high fuel efficiency, low emissions vehicles for sale to the general public. The performance objective for these manufacturers was to create mid-sized passenger cars capable of attaining an 80 mpg (gasoline) composite fuel economy rating on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) city and highway cycles. Hybrid vehicle technology has shown great promise in attaining the goals set forth by the PNGV. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV ) employ technology that helps bridge the gap between the future hope of an electric vehicle (EV) and today’s current vehicles. Within the past year hybrid electric vehicles have gained an important place in the vehicle market. American Honda pany, Inc. is currently releasing their first generation HEV, the Insight. The Insight is pact, two pass engey, parallel HEV which achieves more than 65 mpg (composite) on the EPA test cycles: the highest of any production vehicle ever tested. Toyota Motor Corporation has also released a hybrid vehicle for sale to the general public. The Toyota Prius is currently for sale in Japan and e the United States in the beginning of the year 2000. The Prius is a four bination hybrid employing an a gasoline engine, high power electric motor, and an electromechanical continuously variable transmission (CVT) comprised of a ary gear train and a high power alternator/motor. It is through technology incorporated in vehicles such as the Prius that automotive transmission design and operation will make significant new advances. Current Automotive Transmission Technologies With the advent of the automobile also came the creation of the automotive