A th e sis su b m itte d to
Z hengzhou U n iversity
for th e degree o f M aster
T h e X inca i en h an ce gov ern m en t efficien cy research rep ort
B y Y ang Jing
Su perv isor: P ro f. H u ijun L i
P u b lic A d m in istratio n
P u b lic A d m in istra tio n
M ay, 2 0 12
政策的实施, 另一方面他们还需要解决好当地的各种社会事物, 处理好人民之
0 ^ 县政府行政效能, 另一方面就对某些地方政府效能相对较低的原因做出简
要的分析,并对新蔡县行政效能提升的实践进行了详细的描述, 结合公共管理
及相关背景, 并详细阐述了提升地方政府效能的意义和必要性。第二部分从地
低下的原因。第三部分是深入考察了新蔡县行政效能提升的背景, 具体措施,
四部分在新蔡县行政效能提升的启示下, 文章从几个方面提出了新蔡县政府效
能进一歩提升的对策和建议, 首先要因地制宜, 深入推进地方政府行政效能提
升^ 设。其次要完善政府绩效管理。以此为模式,作为我国地方政府效能提升
关键词: 效能逑设提升地方政府绩效理
A b stra c t
A b s tra c t
G overnm ent perform ance is a typical indicator of the ans and
adm inistrative staff, adm inistrative activities validity. T he p urpose of the
adm inistrative staff to w ork hard in order to allow the G ov ernm ent to perform ance
by leaps and bounds and effective im provem ent. O n county-level gov ernm ent
departm ents, w hile they w ant to im plem ent good on a governm ent-issued task
requirem ents, and im plem entation of policies, on the other hand, they also need to
address a variety o f good local social issues, to deal w ith p eop le relation sh ip s and
efforts to im prove the local social and econom ic developm ent, county-level
governm ent w ork, good or bad in large p art a direct im pact on the enforcem ent of
central po licies. T his top ic discusses the aim is to study the current county
governm ent adm inistrative efficiency, on the oth er hand to m ake a b rief analysis of
新蔡县提升政府效能调研报告 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.