1 Intelligence essentials for everyone 情报工作基础知识 Joint military intelligence college Lisa Krizan 89 June 1999
The future of intelligence analysis(1) 情报分析的未来(1) Center of international and security
2 William J Lahneman 89 March 2006
studies and maryland
The future of intelligence analysis(2) 情报分析的未来(2) Center of international and security
3 William J Lahneman 48 March 2006
studies and maryland
Anticipating surprise-analysis for 突袭预测-战略预警 Defense intelligence agency December
4 Cynthia M Grabo 188
strategic warning 分析 2002
Intelligence professionalism in 美洲各国情报事业 Defense intelligence agency November
5 Russell G Swenson 585
Americas 2004
Joint and National Intelligence 军事行动中的联合 Joint Chiefs of Staff October
6 Joint publication 2-01 297
Support to Military Operations 情报支持 2004
National Intelligence Support to 军事行动中的国内 Joint Chiefs of Staff September
7 Joint publication 2-02 109
Military Operations 情报支持 1998
8 Toward a Theory of Intelligence 关于情报理论 RAND Gregory F Treverton 43 2006
US munity Reform 美国情报界自 1947 Center for the Studies of Intelligence
9 Michael Warner 52 April 2005
Studies since 1947 年以来的改革
Strategic intent 2007-2011 中情局战略规划 CIA
10 9
(2007-2011 )
Warning analysis for the Information 信息时代的情报预 Joint military intelligence college December
11 John W Bodnar 208
Age 警分
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