摘要 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)薄膜暴露于萘-钠腐蚀液中,脱去表层的氟而获得表面羟基,然后4,4'-偶氮基-双-(4-异氰基异戊酸)与表面羟基偶联反应获得聚合所需要的表面引发基团,再利用表面自由基聚合方法在修饰后的PTFE薄膜表面接枝聚乙烯基吡啶(P4VP)。接枝功能化的PTFE膜的化学组成和形态用衰减全反射傅立叶红外光谱(ATR FT-IR)进行表征;利用接触角测量仪测量润湿角,表征亲水性,结果显示表面接枝PVP后的PTFE膜接触角明显降低,由憎水变为亲水,聚合物刷和PTFE膜的共价连接赋予了含氟聚合物许多新性能。 关键词: 聚四氟乙烯; 自由基聚合; 表面处理; 接触角 Preparing Polymer Brushes of Polytetrafluoroethylene Films Abstract Films of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were exposed to sodium naphthalenide (Na/naphtha) etchant so as to defluorinate the surface for obtaining hydroxyl functionality. Surface-initiators were immobilized on the PTFE films by esterification of 4,4'-azobis(4-cyanopentanoic acid) (ACP) and the hydroxyl groups covalently linked to the surface. Grafting of polymer brushes on the PTFE films was carried out by the surface-initiated free radical polymerization. Homopolymers brushes of 4-vinylpyridine (4VP) were prepared by free radical polymerization from the azo-functionalized PTFE surface. The position and topography of the graft-functionalized PTFE surfaces were