Sense of Evil— Half Evil, Half Human — Sense of Human On the Evolution of the Vampire Image in Western Literature from the Perspective of Sociology of Literature
Sense of Evil— Half Evil, Half Human — Sense of Human On the Evolution of the Vampire Image in Western Literature from the Perspective of Sociology of Literature
By Zhang Wenyu
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts In Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Wang Wenlin
Postgraduate Programme School of Foreign Studies HefeiUniversity of Technology
April, 2013 Acknowledgements
I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all the teachers for all kinds of helps during this three-year study, especially my supervisor Professor Wang Wenlin who has given her valuable time, advice, criticism and correction to this thesis from the beginning up to the end of the writing. Without her guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible. I would also like to extend my gratitude to my beloved parents, for their love, encouragement and supports both financially and mentally. Finally, I should give my thanks to the library of Hefei University of Technology for its abundant and precious research information that benefits me a lot.
i Abstract In recent years, vampire literary works like Twilight Series or Vampire Diary have e bestsellers. It seems that the vampire literature is taking the world like a storm. Among all kinds of monsters in Western culture, vampires might not have been the most terrifying or horrific figures but the most intriguing ones. The images