2007 年第 3 期人口与经济 No. 3 , 2007
(总第 162 期) POPULATION & ECONOMICS ( Tot. No . 162)
(首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院, 北京 100026)
摘要: 日本是世界上经济、科技最发达的国家之一。日本的经济之所以在战后迅速发展, 造就了世
界经济的奇迹, 一个重要的因素是它重视人力资源开发。一部日本经济的发展史可以说是日本人力资
源开发的历史。日本长期以来由于重视基础教育、本国人才的培养、国外优秀人才的引进, 以及人才
的合理使用等人力资源开发, 并实施了世界上成功的人才竞争战略, 带来劳动力素质的提高和智力资
源的增长, 加速了日本经济发展的进程。
关键词: 人力资源; 教育培训; 经济发展
中图分类号: F240 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 4149 (2007) 03 - 0043 - 05
Human Resource Development and Economic Growth in Japan
LI Zhong2sheng
(School of Labor Economics , Capital University of Economics and Business , Beijing , China , 100026)
Abstract : Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world. The history of the development of
Japanπs economy is in paralleling with the history of human resource development of Japan. To improve the
quality of its labor force and promote its intellectual resource , Japan government has attached great importance
to the development of its basic education , the training of its own labor force , the introduction of excellent
foreign labor force into Japan. Japan carried out its typical human petition strategy and have
achieved great ess. There is prominent improvement in the quality of its labor force .
Key wor ds : human resource , education and training , economic development
力资源作为最重要的经济资源, 造就了日本经济的
日本的人力资源开发与经济发展.pdf 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.