Dynamic Scheduling of
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
K. Rama Bhupal Reddy†, Xie Na*, and Velusamy Subramaniam†*
† Innovation in Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Singapore - MIT Alliance, Singapore.
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
involves several real-time decisions, such as part type and
Abstract—To date, group scheduling research has machine selection, resource allocation, machine allocation,
primarily focused on examining the performance of different and tool loading. The primary objective of an effective
group heuristics under various experimental conditions. scheduling system is to produce the right parts, at the right
However, the dynamic selection of group heuristics has not
time, at petitive cost, by minimizing overhead and
received sufficient attention from researchers. The objective
of this paper is to demonstrate a mechanism for the dynamic operating costs, subject to satisfying demand for the
selection of group heuristics from several candidate enterprise’s products. Several methods that have been
alternatives by exploiting real time information from the proposed in the literature for scheduling an FMS are
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). In this regard, two summarized in Table I.
tools, viz., Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple
Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks
(SMARTER), are used to develop models for part type and TABLE I
family selection. The experimental results indicate that the FMS SCHEDULING APPROACHES
performance of the proposed models are better than the ments Ref.
common group scheduling heuristics under varied Simulation- mon approach in industry. 1, 4-6.
experimental conditions. based Prioritizes parts when resources are
scheduling with available.
Index Terms-Dynamic scheduling, FMS, AHP, SMARTER. dispatching Other methods bined with
rules dispatching rules.
Artificial AI techniques can handle d
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