2009年 12月 JOURNA L O F W UX I INST ITUT E OF TECHNOLOGY D ec. 2009 扩大内需下铁路与城轨人才培养改革方案 张晓玲, 刘燕明 (郑州铁路职业技术学院, 河南 郑州 450052) 摘 要: 在内需扩大背景下, 铁路和轨道交通大规模开发建设。通过对企业人才需求进行调查, 预测人才需求 走向。为铁路高校在轨道交通和铁路运输方向的人才培养工作提出了改革举措: 突出学院特色, 明确培养方 向; 改革课程设置; 顶岗实习; 订单培养等。 关键词: 轨道交通; 铁路运输; 人才培养; 改革 中图分类号: G 710 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671- 7880( 2009) 06- 0011- 03 Under the New Situation Railroad and O rbital Transportation Recruitm ent of Students Employm ent Raise P lan Reform of Railway T ransportation ZHANG X iao-ling, X IE Ru-he, LIU Y an-m ing (Zhengzhou R ailw ay Vocation T echno logy College, ZhengZhou 450052, Ch ina) Ab stract: U nder the dom estic dem and expansion backg round, the ra ilroad and urban track transportation has carried on the large- sca le deve lopm en t construction. T hrough carries on the investigation to this k ind of enterprise ta lented pe rson dem and, forecasts th is direction ta lented person s demand trend. P roposed the reform ac tion in the personnel tra in ing aspec t for the ra ilroad un ive rs ity o f the orb ital transporta tion and the ra ilway transporta tion: clear about the ra ise d irec tion, prom inent institute characteristic; curricu lum reform; schoo l and business bu ilds rea lly teaches base together; R eplaces the post prac tice; O rder form ra ise and so on. K ey