64排螺旋CT重建技术在茎突综合征中的诊断价值 (作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 【摘要】目的:探讨64排螺旋CT三维容积重建VR和多平面重建MPR(包括曲面重建CPR)在诊断茎突综合征中的临床价值。方法:收集我院临床拟诊为茎突综合征并行64排螺旋CT扫描的18 例患者,分别行三维容积重建VR和多平面重建MPR(包括曲面重建CPR)等图像后处理,测量其双侧茎突的长度和内倾斜角度。结果:18例患者(36侧)均通过64排螺旋CT薄层扫描及VR和MPR(包括CPR)重建,36侧茎突中35侧显示清晰,其中1例左侧茎突缺如。茎突长度30 mm者23侧(%),内倾斜角25度者32侧(%)。双侧茎突长度均30 mm,同时双侧内倾斜角均25度者仅有1例。结论:茎突过长结合角度异常是诊断茎突综合征的重要依据。64排螺旋CT MPR和VR重建能清楚、直观地显示茎突在三维空间的全貌,准确地测量其长度、角度以及反应其与周围组织结构的关系,是诊断茎突综合征的一种较准确、且理想的检查方法。 【关键词】茎突综合征;体层摄影术;X线计算机;重建技术 [ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore the clinical value of 64slice spiral CT three dimension volume rendering(VR) and multidimension plane rendering (MPR) [including curved plane rendering (CPR)] in diagnosis of styloid process syndrome. Methods: Selected 18 patients with suspicious styloid process syndrome, employed three dimension VR and MPR, and measured the length of bilateral styloid process and the inclined angle. Results:18 patients with 36 sides all had scanned by 64slice spiral CT and had reconstruction through three dimension VR and MPR. (including CPR). 35 sides showed clear styloid process, and 1 cases had styloid process lost in left side. 23 cases had length of styloid process more than 30 mm (%) and 32 sides had inclined angle more than 25 degree (%). Only one case had length of styloid process less than 30mm and inclined angle less than 25 degree on both