MRI与关节镜诊断盘状半月板损伤的比较研究 (作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________) 作者:李欣陆军媛梁晓燕樊树峰吴海陈忠义 【摘要】目的通过MRI与关节镜的对比探讨MRI对盘状半月板损伤的诊断价值和意义。方法回顾本院经MRI诊断盘状半月板损伤,并根据其不同表现分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级,对照关节镜检查结果进一步分析。结果根据MRI表现22例盘状半月板中Ⅰ级损伤4例,Ⅱ级损伤7例,Ⅲ级损伤11例;经关节镜对照诊断准确率分别为100%(4/4)、%(6/7)、%(10/11)。结论 MRI是诊断盘状半月板损伤的重要方法,提高MRI诊断准确率对手术治疗盘状半月板损伤有指导性意义。 【关键词】盘状半月板损伤 MRI 关节镜检查 【Abstract】 Objective To assess the effectiveness and value of MRI in diagnosis of discoid meniscus injury of knee joint. Methods MR imaging of 22 knee joints with discoid meniscus injury was analyzed retrospectively. The degrees of discoid meniscus injuries were classified into grade I to III according to the signal features and morphological changes of meniscus on MR imaging. The the results pared with the arthroscopic findings. Results The classification of 22 meniscus injuries on MRI were grade I in 4 knees, grade II in 7 knees, grade III in 11 knees. Depending on the arthroscopic findings, the accuracy of MRI diagnosis in meniscus injury were 100% for grade I(4/4),% for grade II(6/7), % for grade III(10/11),respectively. Conclusion MRI is a powerful diagnostic technique for evaluation of meniscus injury and can provide instructive information for surgical procedures. 【Key Words】 discoid meniscus injury MRI arthroscopy 盘状半月板又称为盘状软骨,其形态呈盘状,是半月板中的一种特殊类型。作者搜集本院1999至2004年113例膝关节损伤患者中22例盘状半月板损伤的MRI图像,与关节镜手术结果进行比较,旨在评价MRI和