体液MCP-1水平与系统性红斑狼疮相关性分析 【摘要】目的:探讨云南汉族系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清及尿液中单核细胞趋化蛋白1(MCP-1)水平与其病变相关性。方法:对SLE患者血清及尿液MCP-1水平均用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)进行检测,并采用统计学方法探讨其与SLE之间的关系。结果:25例云南汉族总SLE患者、无肾损及有肾损的SLE患者血清及尿液MCP-1水平均显著高于健康对照组(P<)。SLE患者有肾损组尿液MCP-1水平显著高于SLE患者无肾损组;SLE无肾损组与SLE有肾损组血清MCP-1水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>)。SLE患者治疗2周后血清MCP-1水平显著下降;尿液MCP-1水平虽也有下降,但与治疗前相比差异无统计学意义(P>)。SLE患者血清MCP-1水平与尿液MCP-1水平之间呈正相关,并与SLE DAI评分、24小时尿蛋白定量、口腔溃疡、胸膜炎之间呈正相关;与血红蛋白之间呈负相关。SLE患者尿液MCP-1水平与24小时尿蛋白定量、胸膜炎呈正相关;与补体C3、血红蛋白之间呈负相关。结论:检测SLE患者血清及尿液MCP-1水平有助于了解病情活动度,并且检测SLE患者尿液MCP-1水平将有助于了解患者肾脏损害程度。SLE患者肾脏损害恢复较慢。 【关键词】系统性红斑狼疮;狼疮性肾炎;单核细胞趋化蛋白1 Abstract Objective:To analyze the relevance between the MCP-1 levels and its pathological changes in the blood serum and urine of the Han nationality SLE patients in Yunnan Province. Methods:To analyze pare MCP-1 levels in the blood serum and urine between 25 Yunnan Han nationality SLE patients and 9 healthy persons with ELISA: The data was analyzed with statistics method. Results:The MCP-1 levels in the se rum and urine of all SLE patients and non-renal failure or renal failure SLE patients were remarkably higher than that of healthy group;The MCP-1 levels in the urine of the renal failure SLE patients was much higher than that of non- renal failure SLE patients; There was not much difference in the MCP-1 levels of the serum between non- renal failure SLE patients and renal failure SLE