1 “So you want to be a rock and roll star?” asked the musician, Bob Dylan. You have decided to seek fame’s spotlight. And you will not be persuaded otherwise. What is it that lures you? Is it the worshipping fans? Or is it simply to be recognized for being truly fantastic at something? This is all quite understandable. I should warn you, though. It is difficult to sustain the public’s favor. These people will grow bored so easily. Even if you should eed, you might not be happy. Once you win in your conquest of fame, complaints will follow. For example, people will say that your work fails to show a lack of continuity in its appeal. You see, their enthusiasm will soon dissolve. I should also tell you that there will be plenty of people who will want to exploit you during your brief stay at the top. Friends? Sure, as long as you have money you’ll have friends who will suck everything you have out of you. And don’t forget to watch your agent closely. You might need a good lawyer and an accountant, but they too will want their piece of the pie-making money out if you. I see, you understand the cruelty of the situation. However, your chase for fame can’t be discouraged by my pessimistic outlook. Go ahead then. Don’t let me stop you. But when you fail or fall right back where you started and you’re miserable, don’t accuse me of not having warned you. I’ve done all that I can for yo