Its said that crying at work is a big no-no, simply because your colleagues or boss may think poorly of you. And when es to interviewing, crying is an even bigger taboo. Thats because you only have a handful of minutes to impress a stranger who is judging you based on first impressions. She e to the conclusion that youre not emotionally stable and dont do well under pressure. That is probably not the case at all, and you dont want to risk giving her the wrong impression. Here are some ways to prevent the tears from falling: 工作时哭一般来说是不允许的,原因很简单,同事和老板会因此而对你有不好的印象。如果是在面试的时候哭,那就更是大大地犯忌了。面试的时间有限,一个陌生人在几分钟里要判断一个人只能靠第一印象。在面试时哭的话,面试官就会得出这样的结论:这个求职者情绪不稳定,抗压能力不够。而事实上可能并不是这样,所以作为面试者就不能冒险给面试官留下这样的错觉。下面这些方法可以让你在面试时有泪不轻弹。 interviews:Go on as many interviews as you can, even for the jobs you dont want. Interviews are high-pressure situations in which youll be put on the spot. Doing more of them will help you get used to it and master better interviewing skills。 多多练习:尽可能多地去参加面试,即使有些工作你并不想要。现场面试时的压力很大,面试的次数越多,你就越能适应,并能更好地掌握面试技巧。 touch sensitive topics:Do your best not to talk about topics that will emotionally upset you. Come up with a different answer that wont touch upon a sensitive subject。 避免敏感话题:尽量不要讨论那些会让你难过的话题。换一种方式回答,不要涉及敏感内容。 your response: If you know you tend to be emotional about a certain topi