(泰安市药品检验所,山东泰安 271000) 【摘要】目的:对高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定氨咖黄敏胶囊中对乙酰氨基酚、咖啡冈含量的测量不确定度进行评 定。方法:建立 HPLC同时测定氨咖黄敏胶囊中对乙酰氨基酚、咖啡因含量的方法,通过对测试方法流程进行分 析,确定不确定度来源。结果:结合 HPLC方法验证数据,计算合成不确定度及扩展不确定度。结论:通过不确定度 评定,对测量过程中产生误差的关键环节有更深刻的认识,有利于进一步提高测量的准确性 f关键词1HPLC法;对乙酰氨基酚;咖啡因;含量测定;测量不确定度 【中图分类号】R927 【文献标识码】B [文章编号】 1673—7210(2O09)04(b)一O52—02 EvaluatiOn 0f measurement uncertainty determinati0nfl0r 0f parace Im0l and ca Ieinein C0w—bezOar and Chl0r. phenamine Maleate Capsules Ⅳ.^(巩, e凡口凡 ai an Citv Institute of Dnlg ofContr()l。Tai an 000Institute anCitv China)1 ai 27 【Abstract]objectjve:To evalu‘ate the uncertai11ty of measurement f0r detem1ination of paracetamol,c — of in detem1ination reine measurement f0r of 【Abstract]objectjve:Touncertai11ty the evalu‘ate etamol,Ca腑ine,Ani6cial Cow—bez0arand Chlorphenamine Maleate Capsules bv :Established aHPLC methodthe determina“o|1fl0r paracetam01,caof in lleine thiscapsule and ana1yzed the uncertaintv sources arising flr0m the pI_0cedure :Theof standar(1uncertainty bined uncertainty and expand uncertaintv weI_eea1 culated according thet0 :FrI1m0f analvzing measurement uncenaintvthet0 eva1uation quanti—of tative tativeanalysisresults deteI1ninati0n()fof paracetam0l and carf_ei