ARINC 600 BKAD/E/FBKAD/E/F4nsions shown in inch (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to changeLow insertion force environmental and non- posts that are removable from themating replaceable inserts for size 22 andpower 800 size 22 contacts in one , coax, power, printed circuit and wirewrappable post style standard DPX crimp, insertion/ connections connectors represent thestandard for new avionic systems developed to supportthe air transportation market. Several importantdesign concerns have been addressed andsolved in this new series. High matingforces of pluggable modules inarack have beenreduced by approximately two- low insertion force contacts arealso inter-changeable with the contacts used in the DPXseries and permit retrofit of existing new connector is totallyintermateable andintermountablewith ARINC600 connectors now inthe BKAFpermits theuser toeasilyreplace acontact in caseofproblems,rather than disas-sembletheentire connector--it is availablewithsize 22contacts inwrap postorsolder-tail ver-sions. The system maintains the advantages of lowinsertion force technologyincorporatedin all ARINC600 Release/Rear RemovableSize 12, 16,20, 22 Crimp ContactsFront Release/Front RemovableSize 22 Solder Tail and Wrap Post ContactsPos-Aline Connector Construction FeatureMaterial SpecificationsInthe ARINC600 connector series,Size 22con-tacts are the only size that utilize this designfeature. The hooded socket extends fromits in-sulator while the pin contacts are shrouded by itsfront other contacts used in this series employstan-dard contact resultisthat plementof contactsforthe plug connectors will consistofpincontactsforsize 22and socketcontacts for all others. Thereceptacle contacts will be just the reverse,socketcontact forsize 22 and