TBL 教学法在医学微生物学理论教学中的应用 李雪璐 (川北医学院微生物与免疫学教研室四川南充 637000 ) [摘要]目的:探讨TBL教学法在医学微生物学理论教学的教学效果。方法:川北医学院2010级的90名学生,随机分为TBL教学的实验组和传统教学的对照组,课后进行问卷调查和考核。结果:大多数学生对TBL教学满意,成绩显示TBL组考试成绩得分明显高于传统组。结论:TBL教学法应用于医学微生物学理论教学,效果优于传统教学法,有助于培养学生自主学习和综合能力,促进学生团队协作,是进行医学微生物学理论教学的有效模式,值得推广。 [关键词]TBL教学法; 医学微生物学教学;教学效果 Application of Team-based learning in the teaching of medical microbiology theory LiXue-lu (North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong 637000, China ) [Abstract] Objective: To explore the results of TBL in teaching of basic nursing experiment. To explore the TBL teaching method in the possibility of medical microbiology theory teaching and teaching : North Sichuan Medical College Department of 2010 grade 90 students,were randomly divided into TBL teaching experimental group and control group of traditional teaching mode, questionnaire survey and assessment after : most of students on the TBL teaching satisfaction, achievement of TBL group displayed that TBL group is obviously higher than that of the traditional exam results score : TBL teaching method applied in medical microbiology theory teaching, the effect is better than traditional teaching method, to cultivate the students' autonomous learning prehensive ability, and improve students' teamwork, medical microbiology theory is effective teaching mode, and is worth popularizing. [k