西安建筑科技大学工程硕士学位论文 I青岛市城阳农产品批发市场发展规划研究专 业:建筑与土木工程硕士生:安恺指导教师:汤道烈教授摘要批发商业发展的状况是一个国家、一个地区流通力的重要标志,它关系到市场发展的广度和深度,发达国家批发销售总量都大于社会零售额,椐统计美国是3—4 倍,日本是2—3 倍,这意味着地区之间商品流通相当充分,进出口贸易发展兴旺,国家通过批发这种途径,建立区域间广泛的经济联系。我国农产品批发市场经历20 世纪90 年代快速发展,,此后进入市场布局调整、经营品种结构调整和市场基础设施改造升级、市场管理向规范化现代化迈进的新阶段。主要表现在:各类批发市场数量逐年增加,产品交易额持续增长,市场结构也趋向合理,销售的产品品种已由单一的农副产品、手工业品,向既有生活资料又有生产资料的多种商品发展,市场辐射范围突破了改革开放初期行政区化的限制,由小范围的地区交易、短途运输销售功能向跨地区、深购远销及较远距离辐射功能转变,许多批发市场辐射面达一、二十个省。市场设施也已开始走出“摊位制、低挡次”的千篇一律的建设模式,向功能复合、空间多样的现代化方向发展。 本课题通过研究总结我国农副产品批发市场的现状和发展趋势,分析国内外批发市场的建设理念,以青岛市城阳农产品批发市场为例,通过优化规划布局,探讨建设批发规模化、交易电子化、功能复合化的批发市场发展的新模式。关键词:农产品批发市场;新模式;青岛城阳;商品流通;规划布局西安建筑科技大学工程硕士学位论文 II Research on the Planning of Agricultural Market in Chengyang, Qingdao Speciality: Building and civil engineering Graduate: An Kai Tut or: Professor Tang Daolie Abstract The development of the modity is the symbol of the circulation level of a region and a country. It is related to the broadth and depth of the market. The wholesale volume in the developed country is bigger than that of the retail volume. According to statistics, it is 3 to 4 times in US and 2 to 3 times in Japan. This shows the circulation as well as import and export is well developed. Nations build economic connections by wholesales. In 1990s, China’s agricultural markets experienced fast development, later on it enters a new age of formation regulation, strutural regulation, infrastructure upgrading, and management standarization. All the above is displayed as following: the number of the markets, turnover, variety and scope increases every year; many markets can serve more than a dozen even a score of provinces. The markets are no longer uniform everywhere, but characteristic and multifunctional. The purpose of the study is to summary the conditions and future of China’s agricutural markets, analyze the wholesale market planning home and abroad, invest a new mode of modern and multinational markets via the example of market in Chengyang. KEYWORDS:Agricultural wh
青岛市城阳农产品批发市场发展规划分析研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.