Translation of Classical Noun TCM TermsForeign language teaching centerShanghai University of TCMOverview ofClassical Noun TCM TermsUnit oneLearning Objectives?了解“阴阳”、“五行”等中医经典名词术语的医学内涵。?掌握与西医术语的差异,理解中医的思维模式,熟悉中医经典名词术语与现代医学术语的差异。?掌握中医经典名词术语翻译的原则与方法。?由于中西方医学是在两种完全不同的文化背景下发展起来的,因此部分中医名词术语代表的完全是中医特有概念,很难在英文中找到对应词或等价物,在翻译时只能采用音译的方法,需要是加上必要的英文解释。例如中医的“阴”、“阳”等。?yin: a philosophical term in ancient China, referring to things or characters opposite to yang. The condition which appears as inert, internal, downward, cold, dim, material, inhibitive, and declining is attributive to yin. In TCM, it is widely used for explaining the physiological and pathological phenomena of human body, and for directing the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, for example, interior-syndrome are ascribed to yin.?yang: a philosophical term in ancient China, referring to things or characters opposite to yin. The condition which appears as active, external, upward, hot, bright, functional, exciting, and hyperactive is attributive to yang. In TCM, it is widely used for explaining the physiological and pathological phenomena of human body, and for directing the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, for example, superficies-syndrome, heat-syndrome,sthenia-syndrome are ascribed to yang.?同样属于此类的中医经典名词术语还有以下几个:?气qi?神shen?命门mingmen?三焦sanjiaoClassical Noun TCM Terms on ans and diseasesUnit Two?中医有一些器官名称术语,这些名词术语与西医器官相比,大部分所指代内容基本相同,因此在翻译时完全可以借助于西医术语进行英译,例如:?肝liver?心heart?脾spleen?肺lung?肾kidney?手hand?脚foot?四肢extremities?关节joint?此外,由于疾病属于客观存在物,不管人们如何称呼它,它总是客观存在的。所以,中西医在疾病名称方面,也有部分情况时完全对应的,在翻译这些术语时,也可以借助西医术语进行英译,例如:?感冒cold?梅毒syphilis?疟疾malaria?白喉diphtheria?麻疹measles?黄疸jaundice?便秘constipation?up
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