B R A N D H O N G K O N G G U I D E L I N E S S E C T I O N A Brand Hong Kong Logo Signature Elements Primary Signature Primary Signature without Brandline Secondary Signature Dragon Symbol Logotype & Brandline Colour Palette Colour Guide – Full Colour V ersion Colour Guide – Other V ersions Background Colours – Full Colour V e rsion Background Colours – Single Colour V ersion Incorrect Usage T ypeface B R A N D H O N G K O N G L O G O | Signature Elements 1 2 3 1 2 3 The Brand Hong Kong prises of three elements: The Brand Hong Kong logotype The Brandline The Dragon symbol with extending ribbon graphic All elements are set in fixed format and proportion. They must not be altered in anyway . 1 2 3 B R A N D H O N G K O N G G U I D E L I N E S | Primary Signature Whenever possible, use the primary version of the Brand Hong Kong Logo as shown. The primary signature is the full colour Dragon with the logotype and brandline, used in horizontal format. The single language version, either Chinese or English, is preferred for primary usage. If the usage of a single language version cannot be understood by the target audience, the bilingual version can be used. Bilingual V ersion Minimum Size English V ersion Minimum Size 40mm Chinese V ersion Minimum Size 40mm 100mm B R A N D H O N G K O N G G U I D E L I N E S B R A N D H O N G K O N G L O G O | Primary Signature without Brandline The primary signature can also be used without the brandline. 30mm 30mm English V ersion Minimum Size 30mm Chinese V ersion Minimum Size Bilingual V ersion Minimum Size B R A N D H O N G K O N G G U I D E L I N E S B R A N D H O N G K O N G L O G O | Secondary Signature V ersion A V ersion B When horizontal lock-up is not practical for your graphic requirements, a secondary signature can be used. T h e s e c o n d a r y s i g n a t u r e s c a n a l s o b e u s e d w i t h o u t t h e b r
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