黑龙江中医药大学硕士学位论文吴茱萸汤抗消化性溃疡药效学及作用机理实验研究姓名:王皓宇申请学位级别:硕士专业:方剂学指导教师:李冀 20060501 黑龙江中医药大学硕士学位论文缩略语表中文消化性渍疡胃溃疡十二指肠溃疡幽门螺旋杆菌质子泵抑制剂前列腺素表皮生长因子内皮素非类固醇抗炎药物一氧化氮一氧化氮合酶丙二醛超氧化物歧化酶黏膜血流量 5一羟色胺酸血小板活化因子肿瘤坏死因子缩略语 PU GU DU HP PPI PG EGF ET NSAID No NOS MDA SOD GMBF 5一HT PAF TNF 黑龙江中医药大学硕士学位论文中文摘要目的:本课题旨在从药效学基础上对吴茱萸汤的抗消化性溃疡作用提供更客观的指征,并从攻击因子和保护因子两方面对其可能的作用机理进行探讨,为临床抗溃疡应用提供实验依据。方法与结果:采用幽门结扎法、醋酸涂抹法和应激法复制大鼠消化性溃疡模型。在药效学基础上探讨吴荣萸汤抗消化性溃疡的作用机制。结果表明吴茱萸汤对多种方法所致的急、慢性溃疡模型均有明显的治疗及预防作用。其作用机制的途径之一是通过提高6。酮一前列腺素水平、胃组织超氧化物歧化酶、胃液一氧化氨水平和抑制胃液总酸度、胃蛋白酶活性实现的,说明吴茱萸汤可以通过抑制攻击因子与促进防御因子发挥抗溃疡作用。验证了温中补虚,降逆散寒法治疗消化性溃疡的科学性与合理性。为临床治疗消化性溃疡用药及开发新药,提供了参考依据。关键词:吴茱萸汤消化性溃疡攻击因子保护因子 ABSTRACT obJectiVe: The topic aims to provide the obj ectiVe eVidences of Wuzhuvu decoction in anti—ulcer based on thepharmacodynamics. And to explore the impossible effective mechanism from two aspects of attacting factor and protecting factor to proVide experimental evidences for clinical application. Method and Result: To make the rat models of peptic ulcer(Pu) by wate卜immersion stress,by painting the surface of stomach with acetic acid and by 1igating the pylorus is to discuss the function mechanism ofWZYD resisting ulcer on the basic of results indicate that WZYD has the obvious treatment and Drevention effects on acute and chronic PU model making by a11 kinds of is one of the function mechanism of increasing the level of 6一K—PGF】a,the stoamch tissue SOD activity and contents of NO in gastric juice and contr01ing actiVe pepsin and decreasing the level of total acidity ofgastric indicates that WZYD can exert the anti—uIcer effect through contr01ing attacting factor and promoting protecting it Validates the scientifical and reasonable value of the method of warming middle and reinforcing deficiency, descending the adVerse rising—qi and dissipating cold inanti— study proVides evidence in resisting ulcer medicine in clinic and exploring new medicine. Key word:Wuzhuyu decoction Pep