The Demand f or Eastern Oyster s, Crassostrea vir ginica , fr om the Gulf of Me xico in the Presence of Vibrio vulni? cus WA L TER R. KEITHL Y , Jr ., and HAMAD Y DIOP Intr oduction The bacteria Vi brio vulni? cus is a nat- urally occurring or ganism in estuarine wa ters and is found in an unkno wn pro- portion of eastern o ysters, Cr assostr ea vir ginica , harv ested from the Gulf of Me xico (hereafter , the Gulf). The pres- ence of V ibrio vulni? cus is highly cor - related with w ater temperature, and vir - tually all Gulf-harv ested o ysters contain some concentration of it in the w armer summer months (McQuaid, 1997). As noted by Corcoran (1998) in the Nutri- W alter R. K eithly , Jr ., is with the Coastal Fish- eries Institute, SC&E, 231 W etland Resources Building, Louisiana State Uni v ersity , Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (email: w ******@). Hamady Diop is with the Coastal Fisheries Insti- tute, SC&E, 222 W etland Resources Building, Louisiana State Uni v ersity , Baton Rouge, LA 70803. V i e ws or opinions e xpressed or implied are those of the authors and do not necessarily re? ect the position of the National Marine Fish- eries Service, NO AA. ABSTRA CT—California, in r esponse to health concerns, initiated a pr o g r am on 1 Mar c h 1991 whic h r equir ed anyone selling eastern oyster s, Crassostrea vir ginica , fr om the G
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