土木工程论文资料库- 关于应用型本科土木工程专业实践教学探索应用型本科土木工程专业实践教学探索摘要: 为了满足当今经济社会高速发展的需要,必须合理构建实践教学来实现应用型本科学生职业能力的培养目标。围绕这一主题,文中对应用型本科土木工程专业实践教学环节的改革进行了研究和探索,在分析土木工程专业实践教学现状及存在问题的基础上,根据土木工程专业的特点,提出了“ 一个思想、三条主线、四个层次” 的实践教学模式,并结合实际教学过程试运行该实践教学模式。运行效果表明,在新的实践教学模式下,学生学有所得,职业能力被用人单位认可。关键词: 应用型本科; 土木工程专业; 实践教学; 职业能力 Practice teaching of civil engineering specialty in application-oriented colleges Abstract: To meet the needs of high-speed development of current economic society , the practice teaching ofapplication-oriented colleges must be constructed rationally to realize the goal of vocational ability training . According to the theme , the reform measures for the practice teaching of civil engineering specialty in application-oriented colleges were researched and discussed . Based on the analysis of current situation and existing problems ofpractice teaching ,a new practice teaching mode ofa thought , three main lines , and four levels was ording to characteristics of civil engineering . The new practice teaching mode was operated in the practicalteaching process . The result shows that by using the new practice teaching mode , undergraduates professionalconsciousness became strong and their vocational abilities were recognized by employing units . Keywords: application-oriented colleges; civil engineering specialty; practice teaching; vocational abilitytraining 近 20 年来,随着经济社会的高速发展,中国步入了传