more than just a drum more than just a tea K T TEA KICK ) RESONANCE control affects how resonant the circuit is. However, the resonance also affects the tuning: the more resonant, the lower the drum sound. Add resonance to get longer decaying drum sounds. The resonance range switch can prevent the resonance from self oscillating. When you switch it up the resonance control makes the circuit self oscillate andthen it can be used kind of as a VCO. ) Tea kick also has a click generator with tone control. The click tune control also affects the timbre of the twin T circuit. ) TRIGGER input triggers the dampened sinewave generation at lower resonance settings. Connecting an?audio rate signal to this input results in very pleasing waveforms at the output. The trigger is visualized by the led. ) The twin T circuit can also act as a bandpass filter, for which there is a WTF input. The aim of the tea kick is not to provide you with a perfect BPF though, so this feature has more of an experimental character and lets you access another interesting point of the circuit. Tea kick is a universal analog circuit, based on an improved version of the twin T resonant drum sound design. When a trigger signal is sent to the circuit, it generates a classic dampened sine wave sound. instruction Tea Kick ) ) ) ) ) MORE THAN JUST A DRUM ) ) ) TUNE is the main control knob for tun