户籍证明 无婚姻登记记录证明 Residence Registration Certificate Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record 1 Certificate: (n.) 1. an official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true 证明书;证明 . a birth/marriage/death certificate 出生/结婚/死亡证明 2. an official document proving that you have completed a course of study or pass an exam 文凭;结业证书;合格证书 泛指官方颁发的书面证明,证书类的 实物 比如 四六级证书 计算机证书 技能证书 Diploma:a document showing that you have completed a course of study or part of your education 毕业文凭 . a High School diploma 高中毕业文凭 2 Certification: 1. the act of certifying sth 证明;鉴定;认证 2. the process of giving certificates for a course of education 出具课程结业证书 . the certification of the exam modules 出具考试课程结业证书 抽象理论的 强调证明的动作,行为 3 所谓3C认证,就是中国强制性产品认证制度, 英文名称China Compulsory Certification, 英文缩写CCC。 4 户籍证明 户籍证明,一般是指“集体户”的居民,需要户籍资料时,凭本人身份证或户口本到户口所在地公安机关可打印户籍证明。 5 户籍证明 Residence Registration Certificate 姓名Name: 曾用名Former name: 性别Gender: 出生年月日Date of Birth: 民族Nationality: 住址:祥福镇祥福居民区(原址) Address: Xiangfu Residential Area, Xiangfu Town, XX City XX Province (Original Address) 身份证签发日期Issue Date of ID Card :
身份证有效期 Validity of ID card: NRIC Date of issue:身份证签发时间 NRIC-National Registration Identity Card (only applicable for Singaporean) 6 何时迁往何处(或注销) When and where moved to (or cancelled) 备注:经查户籍档案PH5-1-16 记载 Remarks: found record in the Residence File PH5-1-16 本户籍证明用途:办证用途 Use of This Certificate: handling certificates 杭州市公安局祥福派出所 Local Police Station of Xiangfu Town, the Municipal Public Security Bureau of Hangzhou
2009年6月29日 June 29th, 2009 7 无婚姻登记记录证明 Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record 浙绍越婚证(2009)第00242号 Marriage Certificate (2009), Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 当事人姓名 Applicant’s N