一种基于动态阈值NMOS的1.2V CMOS模拟乘法器.docx CMOS模拟乘法器 I程卫东彳朱樟明 0西安微电了技术研究所,西安710054) G西安电了科技大学微电子学院,西安710071) 摘 要:本文分析了动态阈值NMOS晶体管作为输入信号的输入晶体管,利用4个动态阈 值NMOS和2个有源电阻设计和实现的一种1. 2V低功耗CMOS模拟乘法器电路。该电路具有 节省输入晶体管数目,节省偏置晶体管和偏置电路,以及性能指标优良的特点。其主要参数 指标达到:一、三次谐波差值40dB,输出信号频带宽度375\fHz,平均电源电流约30 m A, 动态功耗约36 。 关键词:模拟乘法器;动态阈值晶体管;低压:低功耗;金属氧化物半导体 中图分类号:TN402 文献标识码:A A CMOS Analog Multiplier Based on the Dynamic Threshold Voltage NMOS Transistor Cheng Weidong Zhu Zhangming Wang Lei (' Xi^an Microelectronics Technology Institute, XiSn 710054, China) (2School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China) Abstract: This paper analysis an analog multiplier based on dynamic threshold voltage NMOS transistor for two input transistor。With four dynamic threshold voltage NMOS transistor and two active resisitor design and achieve a novel low power CMOS analog multiplier. The number of input transistor has been decreased and the biased transistor and circuits have been saved, while the performance is appropriate・ The main characteristics is the margin behveen the first order harmonious wave and the third order harmonious wave of the output wave is about 40dB, the output frequency bandwidth is 375MHz, and the average power supply current is 30|iA. The novel analog multiplier can be applied for the design of low power communication integrated circuits・ Keywords: Analog multiplie