What would you do When you stay at Dormitory ? Watch movies ? Play cards ? Study ? ? But for must of students It may be puter games Today we will talk about the game we play LOL is my partners and I most love game Lol is LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 英雄联盟: 英雄一共有 100 多个,每个英雄有 4 个技能, 1个被动技能, 2个召唤师技能, 6个物品存放格子。整个游戏就是在这几个数字中进行。 LOL : There are hundreds ofheroes in LOL 。 Each hero has 5 skills induding 1 passve skill , Also , the invoker can own 2 skills , Each hero has 6 lattices to own equipments and the whcle game is surrounded by these numbers 。术语解释? AD ( AttackDamage , 物理伤害) ?普通攻击以及一部分英雄技能造成的伤害类型,可被物理抗性抵消。? AP ( AbilityPower ,法术伤害) ?大部分英雄技能所造成的伤害类型,可被法术抗性抵消。? ADC ( AttackDamageCarry ) ?物理输出核心,团队位置之一。