浅谈沈阳市浑南新区现代有轨电车的转向架检修.docx浅谈沈阳市浑南新区现代有轨电车的转向架检修 郭泽阔施炳娴闫雪燕宋毅 (北京城建设计研究总院有限责任公司 北京100037) 摘 要:本文结合沈阳市浑南新区现代有轨电车一期T程对转向架备部件的检修进行了详细的论述, 介绍了转向架检修间流水线设计的基木情况,并对转向架检修Z后的标准进行说明。 关键词:有轨电车转向架检修 Bogie Maintenance of Shenyang Hunnan Modern Trams Zekuo Guo Bingxian Shi Xueyan Yan Yi Song (Beijing Urban Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. LTD, Beijing 100037) Abstract: Maintenance of bogie components is disserted in detail according to the first period modern trams project in Hunnan New District, Shenyang. Assembly line design of bogie maintenance depot is introduced, and the specification of repaired bogie is instructed. Key words: modern tram; bogie; maintenance