
《佛说阿弥陀经》姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译The Sutra in-课件(PPT·精·选).ppt

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《佛说阿弥陀经》姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译 The Sutra in which the Buddha Speaks of Amitabha ( Amitabha Sutra / The Smaller Sukhavati Vyuha Sutra / The Sutra Protected & Kept in Mind by All Buddhas ) Thus have I heard, once Buddha was in the land of Shravasti , in the garden of Jeta and Anathapindika . He was panied by twelve hundred and fifty great bhikshus , all of them great Arhats , well known to the assembly. Among them were his leading disciples, such figures as the Elders Shariputra , Maudgalyayana , Mahakashyapa , Mahakatyayana , and Mahakausthila , Revata , Suddhipanthaka , Nanda , Ananda , Rahula , Gavampati , Pindola - bharadvaja , Kalodayin , Mahakapphina , Vakula , and Aniruddha , etc., all great disciples. 如是我闻,一时,佛,在舍卫国,祗树给孤独园。与大比丘僧,千二百五十人俱,皆是大阿罗汉,众所知识:长老舍利弗,摩诃目犍连, 摩诃迦叶,摩诃迦旃延,摩诃俱絺罗,离婆多,周利槃陀伽,难陀, 阿难陀,罗睺罗,乔梵波提,宾头卢颇罗堕,迦留陀夷,摩诃劫宾那,薄拘罗,阿楼驮,如是等诸大弟子。 1 Also present were the Bodhisattvas Mahasattva : Manjushri , Prince of the Dharma, the Bodhisattva Ajita , the Invincible, and the Bodhisattvas Gandhahastin and Nityodyukta , and other such great Bodhisattvas. Also present was Shakra , the king of the gods, along with countless numbers of heavenly beings, making up a great assembly. 并诸菩萨摩诃萨:文殊师利法王子,阿逸多菩萨,乾陀诃提菩萨,常精进菩萨,与如是等诸大菩萨。及释提桓因等,无量诸天大众俱。 2 At that time Buddha said to the Elder Shariputra : "West of here, past a hundred billion Buddha-lands, there exists a world called "Ultimate Bliss". In this land there exists a Buddha called Amitabha , who is expounding the Dharma right now. 尔时佛告长老舍利弗,从是西方,过十万亿佛土,有世界名曰极乐。其土有佛,号阿弥陀,今现在说法。 3 "Why is this land called Ultimate Bliss" [ Sukhavati ]? It is called "Ultimate Bliss" because the sentient beings in this land are free from the myriad sufferings, and only know every kind of joy. 舍利弗,彼土何故名为极乐?其国众生,无有众苦,但受诸乐, 故名极乐。 4 Furthermore, this land is called "Ultimate Bliss" because it is surrounded by seven rings of railings, and seven layers s, and seven rows of trees , all made of the four pre

《佛说阿弥陀经》姚秦三藏法师鸠摩罗什译The Sutra in-课件(PPT·精·选) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 时间2016-04-29