Major symptoms and signs ORrespiratoryauseases 大叶性肺炎 Lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎 Symptom a Triggers:"cold", fatigue alcoholism a Onset: acute Cinical features: Generalized chills and fever (39~40oC, enecia), headach, myalgia, Pulmonary: chest pain, tachypnea, cough and sputumrusty) Sign and physical examination 口 nspection枧诊 Face flushing, nares flaring, dyspnea, cyanosis, chest expansion reduced on the affected side 口 Palpation触诊 th le vocal fremi titus Pleural friction fremitus Percussion叩诊 the percussion note is dull or flat over the affected area Auscultation听诊 breath sounds is increased bronchial breath sounds moist rales vocal resonance increased pleural friction rub if an acute pleuritis exists signs of lobar pneumonia Congestio Consolidatio Resolution n n Respiratory movement Vocal fremitus ↑个↑ Percussion Dullness Dullness resonance flatness AuscultatioCreptus Tubular crackles n sound Pulmonary emphysema