* TheTrojanWar特洛伊战争 * The Trojan War was a war fight for the most beautiful woman named Helen in the world. The war lasted about ten years long. We all know that war is always cruel, and it is full of bleeding and death, we don’t want to see a war happen. Perhaps the war which began with and ended with love was not one of the most perfectly justifiable wars in history, but it was indeed one of the most moving in the war, there appeared many heroes that touched and could be remembered by people. Helen: 海伦,宙斯与莱达所生的美丽女儿 * TheTrojanWar特洛伊战争 * 海伦是宙斯的女儿,从鹅蛋中生出来,16岁时被迫嫁给斯巴达王莫内劳斯(Menelaos),为斯巴达王后。后来特洛伊王子赫克托耳和二王子帕里斯(Paris)到访斯巴达,帕里斯把她拐去,带回特洛伊。斯巴达王大怒,他向哥哥迈锡尼国王阿加门农求助,希腊联军组织一千艘的船舰出征,而引起著名的特洛伊战争。海伦为自己引起的战争内疚不已,她走向特洛伊城上,俯望两军战士,当数万战士望着她时,全看傻了,海伦美到两军战士连战都不想打,于是双方休兵一天。十年后特洛伊陷落,希腊大军从巨型木马内部杀出,男的被屠尽,女人、小孩全变奴隶,莫内劳斯要取海伦性命,举剑的手却不忍下手,海伦重回了莫内劳斯的身边。而特洛伊城则永远的消失。 Helen: 海伦 * TheTrojanWar特洛伊战争 * Aphrodite :阿佛洛狄特司,爱与美之女神Paris:帕里斯(特洛伊王子)Hera:赫拉,主神宙斯之妻Athena:雅典娜,智慧与技艺的女神Sparta: 斯巴达(希腊南部的古代城邦)Menelaus 墨涅拉奥斯 , 希腊神话中斯巴达的国王 The origin of the Trojan War was the apple of discord. It is the plan of Zeus. The prince of Troy Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite since she promised Paris that he can marry the most beautiful woman in the world. That caused a quarrel between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Paris then went to Sparta and met Helen, the queen of Sparta and the mo