供水管道泄漏声信号特性_图文(精)第33卷第2期2011年4月沈阳 工业大学学报Journal of Shen ya ng Un i v ersity of Tec hno logy
V o l 33No 2Apr 2011
文章编号:1000-1646(2011 02-0183-05
摘要:为了对供水管道泄漏声波信号进行检测,分析了管道泄漏声波的产生机 理、检测原理和管道泄漏声波信号的频率特性及衰减特性 .采用CS 3型水听器在模
拟供水管道的环境中进行管道泄漏实验,采用M ATLA B软件对实验采集到的泄漏 ,管道泄漏的声波是60~70H z的低频信号,其中稳定泄 漏和末端泄漏的衰减特性不同,实验结果证明了管内听音技术用于检测供水管道泄 漏信号的准确性和该检测技术的可行性.
关键词:供水管道;管道泄漏;泄漏信号;管内听音;水听器;信号处理;频率特性; 声强衰减中图分类号:TE 973 6文献标志码:A
A cousti c si gnal characteristic for water suppl y pi peli ne leakage
YANG L i jian , ZHANG L u , GAO Song w e i
(Scho o l of Info r m ati on Sc i ence and Eng ineer i ng , Sheny ang U n i v ersity o f T ech no l o gy, She nyang 110870, Ch i na
Abst ract :ln o r der to detect t h e acoustic sig na l o f w ater supp ly p i p e li n e leakag e , the gen erat ing m echa n is m and detecti n g pri n ciple of pi p eli n e leakage sound w av e asw ell as the frequency and attenuation c haracteristics of pipe li n e leakage acoustic si g nal w ere analyzed . The p i p eline leakage experi m ents w ere i m p l e m en ted i n t h e si m ulated w a ter supp l y pipe li n e usi n g the CS 3type hydroph one , and the leakage acoustic sig na ls co llected i n the experi m en tw ere ana l y zed by M ATLAB so ft w are . The results show t h at the sound w ave o f pi p e line l e akage is the l o w frequency signa l o f 60to 70H z , w here t h e attenuation characteristics o f stable leakag e and end leakage are differe n. t The experi m en tal results pr o ve that t h e liste ning tech no logy in side pi p e is accur ate fo r detect ing the l e akage si g na l of w ater suppl y pi p e line and the detecti n g tech no logy is feasible . K ey w ords :w ater supply pipe line ; pi p e line l e akage ; leakage si g n a; l liste n i n g i n si d e p i p e ; hydroph one ;
si g nal pro cessing ; frequency characteristic ; so und attenuatic供水管道泄漏不 仅浪费宝贵的水资源和
供水管道泄漏声信号特性 图文(精) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.