感恩节英语手抄报资料感恩节英语手抄报资料简介: Thanksgiving Day isatime tooffer thanks and atime for family gathering and holiday meals. (感恩《感恩节英语手抄报资料》一文简介结束感恩节英语手抄报资料正文开始 Thanksgiving Day isatime tooffer thanks and atime for family gathering and holiday meals. (感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子。)Thanksgiving Day iscelebrated onthe fourth Thursday ofNovember. (每年十一月的最后一个星期四是感恩节。) OnThanksgiving Day, the . President will free alucky turkey. The turkey will live onafarm and will never beeaten. (每逢感恩节, 美国总统都会亲自特赦一只幸运的火鸡,将它送回农场,永远不得宰杀。)On Thanksgiving Day, some people will give full baskets offood tothe poor. (每逢感恩节,人们还会装上满满一篮子食物送到穷人家。)Thanksgiving Day isatime tothank all ofyour friends and family sincerely. (感恩节是真诚地向所有朋友和家人表示感谢的时刻。) Thanksgiving Day isthe most truly American ofthe national Holidays inthe United States and ismost closely connected with the earliest history ofthe country. In1620, the settlers, orPilgrims, they sailed toAmerica onthe May flower, seeking aplace where they could have freedom ofworship. After atempestuous two-month voyage they landed at inicy November, what isnow Plymouth, Massachusetts. During their first winter, over half ofthe settlers died of[1] starvation orepidemics. Those who survived began sowing inthe first spring. All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence ofthe colony depended ing harvest. Finally th
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