精品毕业论文--基于单片机的应急灯控制器设计.docx中文摘要 1 英文摘要 2 1绪论 3 3 2相关技术的发展现状及趋势 4 5 2消防应急灯具工作原理 6 1常用消防应急灯 6 8 9 11 11 11 4. 3系统通信部分设计 12 3 硬件电路分析 13 1电源模块 13 1. 1主电电路 14 1. 2 Li电池模块 15 2单片机模块 18 3. 2. 1器件选型 19 3. 2. 2分析电路 24 3通信模块 24 3. 3. 1器件选型 25 3. 2分析电路 28 4软件分析 29 1主控制器软件设计 29 2应急灯单元软件设计 29 2. 1电池检测软件流程图 30 5抗干扰措施 32 1 抗干扰技术 32 1. 1串模干扰及其抑制方法 32 1. 2共模干扰及其抑制方法 33 5. 1. 3长线传输干扰及其抑制方法 34 5. 2抗干扰措施的设计 34 结论 35 谢辞 36 参考文献 37 摘要 本文设计了一种基于单片机的应急灯控制器。该设计以MCS-51单片机为 核心,符合消防应急灯具国家标准GB17945-2000o论文首先分析了消防应急疏 散照明的技术背景及目前的发展现状和未来的发展趋势,说明设计的意义及目 标。接着介绍了常用消防应急灯的分类,着重说明了自带电源消防应急灯具的 工作原理,提出了符合国家标准的总体结构框图。随后,合理的选择了主要器 件,给出了三个关键模块的具体电路图,包括电源模块、单片机模块和通信模 块,并分析其工作原理,实现了掉电检测与电源转换、电池状态检测、光源状 态检测以及RS-485通信等功能。在软件设计方面,分析了控制器的工作逻辑, 画出了系统主程序框图和电池开路、短路及正常状态分析流程图。最后讨论了 串模干扰、共模干扰及长线传输干扰,并介绍隔离、屏蔽以及滤波的抗干扰措 施。 关键词:单片机,应急灯,消防,RS-485通信 A Design of MCU-based Controller of Emergency Luminary Abstract This paper presents an emergency luminary controller based on single-chip microcomputer. The design uses the MCS-51 microcontroller as the core and meets the requirement of the national standards for fire emergency luminary GB17945-2000. Firstly, the technical background, the current study and the development trend of the fire emergency evacuation lighting as well as the significance and the objectives of this design are expound. Then, the classification of the fire emergency luminary widely used and the principle of self-powered emergency luminary for fire fighting are highlighted. The overall structure diagram according to the national standard is also presented. Subsequently, after the key devices were reasonably chosen, the specific circuit diagram of three important modules including the power modules, the CPU module and the photo-electrical isolated communication module are presented. The operation of every module is analyzed. The functions of power-down detection, power conversion, batter