山东科技大学本科毕业论文 1 摘要经济全球化势不可挡,然而在经济迅猛发展的同时带来生态环境问题使得人类生存面临困境,“绿色”一词风靡全球。绿色消费是从满足生态需要出发,以有益健康和保护生态环境为基本内涵,符合人的健康和环境保护标准的各种消费行为和消费方式的统称。在国外,绿色消费模式已经成为主流,有些地区甚至已经制定了一系列相关立法来促进和保障绿色消费, 政府部门也纷纷出台政策鼓励支持和引导绿色消费。我国绿色消费的发展相对比较落后,然而发展绿色经济已是势在必行。本文以研究绿色消费法律激励机制为指引,分为四部分来阐述。第一部分主要介绍了绿色消费的涵义、产生背景及发展状况并引出了此次课题。第二部分从生态基础和经济基础两个角度分析了我国绿色消费法律激励机制的发展前景和课题的研究意义。第三部分讲述了国外绿色消费法律制度的相关实践并简述了我国目前绿色消费制度的实践现状。最后一部分指出影响我国绿色消费的主要因素以及绿色消费制度存在的系列问题并照应主题提出完善我国绿色消费法律激励机制的完善措施的建议。关键词:绿色消费法律激励措施山东科技大学本科毕业论文 2 ABSTRACT Economic globalization has e a trend which cannot be halted, however, with the rapid development of economy and ecological environment problems that bring human survival predicament, the word "green" swept the world. Green consumption isa general designation of consumption act that starting from satisfying the ecological need, treating good health and ecological environmental protection as the basic connotation, and satisfying the standards of health and environmental protection . the green consumption mode has e the mainstream in foreign countries, some areas even have formulated a series of related legislation to promote and protect the green consumption, government departments have introduced policies to encourage and guide the green consumption. The development of green consumption in China is relatively backward ,but the development of green economy be imperative . based on the research of the incentive mechanism of green consumption law as the guidance, the paper is divided into four parts to elaborate. Part I introduces the green consumption concept 、 background and development and leads to the topic. Part II analyses the significance of the incentive mechanism of China's green consumption legal development prospects and research from two aspects of ecological and economic foundations. Part III is about the practice of foreign green consumption legal system and the practice present situation of green consumption system in china. Part IV points out main factors that affect China's 山