关键词城市居民社区归属感社区满意度 I Abstract The thesis focuses on munity satisfaction and its impaction on community attachment of city dwellers in our society. To the research munity's satisfaction, the overall situation of urbanite's community satisfaction is analyzed at first, then analyze the subjective appraisal of urbanites to forming the factors of various fields of munity integrated environment, at last through relevant analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis, in order to seek the relation munity's satisfaction and every field of it. The author found that it is munity satisfaction that finally affected munity attachment of the people. To the research munity attachment, at first we measured it according to the designed form. Through analyzing the urbanite'munity attachment, the author had affirmed the existence munity attachment, and regarded them as the valuable ties to connect the social groups and maintain the public orders. munity attachment in urban resident has not disappeared, in a higher level instead. To the research of impaction munity satisfaction munity attachment, combined theory with investigating data, we munity satisfaction as independent variable factor to seek its impact on urbanite'munity attachment. The author found that it is munity satisfaction that finally affected munity attachment of the people. Community’s environment is the