摘要 目标 研究褪黑素胶囊对小鼠睡眠改进功效。 方法 经过直接睡眠试验、延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间试验、戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠试验、巴比妥钠睡眠潜伏期试验,观察褪黑素胶囊对小鼠睡眠功效的影响。 结果 褪黑素胶囊无直接睡眠作用,能显著延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间、协同戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠作用、对巴比妥钠睡眠潜伏期无显著影响。 结论 褪黑素胶囊含有改进睡眠的功效。 关键词 褪黑素胶囊;改进睡眠 Study on sleep improvement by Melatonin capsule ZHANG Fang-yan, YU Ping. Department of Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical College of Chengdu Medical College,Chengdu 610083,China Abstract Objective To observe the effect of sleep improvement of Melatonin capsule. Methods The effect of Melatonin capsule were observed through experiments of sleep induced directly,prolonging sleeping time induced by pentobarbital sodium, affecting sleeping rate under the threshold hypnogenesis dosage of pentobarbital sodium, sleep delitescence induced by tobarbital sodium. Results Melatonin capsule had no direct effect on sleep,but can prolong sleeping time induced by pentobarbital sodium,and significantly increase the incidence of sleeping animals. Conclusion The Melatonin capsule can improve sleep function. Key words Melatonin capsule; Sleep improvement 现在越来越多的人受到失眠的困扰,严重影响了日常工作和生活。用保健食品来替代药品的研究日益受到我国外学者关注。褪黑素含有调整睡眠、抗衰老、提升机体免疫力等作用,为了科学地评价其作为保健食品对失眠的改进作用, 我们以小鼠为对象,对其改进失眠的有效性进行了验证,为褪黑素胶囊的相关研究提供依据。 1 材料和方法 药品和试剂 药品为重庆某药业有限企业提供的褪黑素胶囊,试验前用蒸馏水将褪黑素胶囊内容物配成试验所需浓度。戊巴比妥钠、巴比妥钠均由中国医药上海化学试剂企业提供。 动物 健康昆明种小鼠192只,体重18~22 g,由重庆市中药研究所提供。恒