摘要:非接触式IC卡的应用日趋广泛,对嵌入式软件功效测试方法有效性和实用性提出了新的挑战。论文探讨了非接触式IC卡硬件驱动层的功效测试方法,包含在FPGA平台上进行在线测试和样卡的回归测试方法。该文以嵌入式软件测试方法理论为基础,确定在进行硬件驱动层测试时可使用的功效测试方法,并依此设计测试用例;然后,确定样卡的回归测试方法;最终,依据测试环境和实际项目情况,选择一个适宜的测试架构。本文所提供的功效测试方法,能够有效地被利用在非接触式IC卡硬件驱动层的功效测试中。 关键词:FPGA;硬件驱动层;嵌入式软件测试;样卡;回归测试 Function Testing of Hardware Driver Layer in Contactless IC Card ZUO Jie Abstract:With wide use of contactless IC card application, new challenges to the effectiveness and practicability of embedded software function testing arise. A function testing of hardware driver layer in contactless IC card was proposed in this paper. Online testing on the FPGA platform and regression testing method of sample cards were included. Based on the theory of embedded software testing methods, we chose feasible functional testing methods for testing of hardware driver layer. Test cases were designed and then sample card regression testing methods were determined. Finally according to test environments and actual project situations an appropriate test platform was selected. Key words:FPGA; Hardware Driver; Embedded Software Test; Sample Card; Regression Test 1引言 伴随非接触式IC卡使用越来越广泛,尤其是金融类卡、身份认证类卡的使用,高层次的安全保护已成为非接触式IC卡广泛使用所必需考虑的主要原因。一个常见的安全保护手段是在用户COS和硬件层之间添加硬件驱动层,从而完全屏蔽上层应用COS对于硬件资源的直接操作,也就从软件上隔离了对于硬件资源的攻击风险。 本文探讨了非接触式IC卡硬件驱动层的功效测试方法,包含在FPGA平台上进行在线测试和样卡的回归测试方法。本文作者以嵌入式软件测试方法理论为基