学校代码:10254 密级: 论文编号: 上海海事大学 SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文 MASTER DISSERTATION 论文题目: 从功能对等的角度看汉语旅游语篇的英译 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期: On English Translation of Chinese Tourism Texts from the Perspective of FE Theory By Shan Qianqian Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Luo Linquan A Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Maritime University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MA Degree Shanghai Maritime University June, 2009 Acknowledgments This thesis has finally been brought into being after several months’ painstaking efforts. Although it is impossible to thanks all who in one way or another have assisted the author in pletion of this thesis, many whose help has been invaluable are highly appreciated. The thesis could not have been done without them. First of all, I especially owe my tremendous gratitude and respect to my supervisor Associate Professor Luo Linquan, whose support and guidance have panied me during the past two years, especially during the whole period of writing this thesis, pointed me in the new direction and helped me avoid many a pitfall. She has scrupulously examined the first and the second manuscripts of my thesis and given his extremely valuable and ments. Furthermore, I am also grateful to Professor Han Zhonghua, Professor Wang Dawei, Professor Zheng Lixin, Professor Yuan Yongfang, as well as all the other teachers of the Foreign Languages College of Shanghai Maritime University. With their help I have benefited immensely during my postgraduate study. I am deeply inspired by their knowledge and personality, which I believe will benefit me all my life. My gratitude also goes to my beloved parents, who have been invaluable sources of unselfish love, support, kindness and encouragement not only in the writing of this thesis, but also along my whole life path. Finally, I am grateful to all my dear friends for their support and understanding to me which make