124例肺结核患者发病现状及预防控制措施研究 【摘 要】目的:探讨肺结核患者发病状况及预防控制措施。方法:将2015年2月~2017年5月于我中心门诊部接受治疗的124例肺结核患者作为研究对象,按照是否采取了现代结核病防治策略将患者分为观察组(62例)与对照组(62例),比较两组在预防控制后的肺结核复发率情况。结果:%、%,差异有统计学意义(=,P<)。结论:肺结核患者存在着较高的复发率情况,临床上应加强对患者的病情分析,制定出切实有效的防控措施,以降低患者的复发率。 【关键词】肺结核;预防控制;措施 Abstract Objective: To investigate the incidence and prevention and control of pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods: 124 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis who were treated in our hospital from February 2015 to May 2017 were studied. Patients were divided into observation group (62 cases) and control group (62 cases) according to whether modern TB control strategy was adopted. Results: The recurrence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis in observation group and control group was and respectively ( = ). P < . Conclusion: There is a higher recurrence rate in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. In the case of rate, we should strengthen the analysis of the patient's condition and formulate effective and effecti ve prevention and control measures to reduce the recurrence rate of the patients. 【中?D分类号】R521 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2018)01-03--01 结核病是一种在临床上十分常见的慢性传染疾病,患者在发病后多个脏器官都有可能会遭受严重损伤,严重者甚至会危及患者的生命安全,同时考虑到肺结核的广泛传播性,现已成为了一项十分严重的公共卫生与社会问题[1]。尤其是近些年来,肺结核的临床发病率呈现出了一定的升高趋势,因而,针对肺结核的发病情况展开相关的研究分析,并采取积极有效的防控措施对于降低肺结核的临床发病率意义重大。 1 资料与方法 一般资料 本组资料来源为我中心门诊部在2