金色的校园时光 新天地金色时光 Reading, writing, arithmetic, too much homework makes me is such an important period of life in the United after generation have gone through this endless cycle. As the years continue to add up, the more educational background1 is required to make it in this world. Remember seeing that big yellow school bus on the first day of kindergarten2?That is when it all were the fun half a day of school and it was mostly recess. Then came Grade School where it was a whole day! Parents would send their children to school with plastic lunch done with Grade School than we got pushed into Junior felt we were so was the time one would spend writing notes instead of doing a book report. Then came what everyone was waiting for High School!The days of Homecoming, Prom3, sports and our first loves. After a few years of High School, however, things were starting to get old. One could not wait to graduate and get to college. During all of these years, remember how much homework there was?All of the different classes? It began with learning the ABC"s and 123"s and then it kept going to a five paragraph essay4 on the meaning of life (well not that dramatic, but it felt like it at the time!). There was English where there was writing essays and reading novels in words that do not exist any there was math, class where the solution to an equation5 was almost a page class